DIY Drop Handlebars to Bullhorns
Flopped and Chopped, Flipped and Clipped
I have an old bike with drop handlebars. Riding it is a lot of fun, but with the hands placed on the brake hoods - which I find is the most comfortable way to ride - I am unable to use the brakes efficiently. The pursuit handlebar, or bullhorn, looked both functional and cool so I decided to try to convert the handlebar into one. It proved quite easy; I removed the brakes, turned the handlebar around, cut the drops and reinstalled the brakes upside down. The result was very comfortable and feels a lot safer. After the mod, I did some googling and found this guide on Ride Fixed Gear which demonstrates the steps. Apparently, it's called "chop-and-flop" and it seems that I got it right. ;)
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