Repairing the Toshiba Regza 42XV556D Power Button
As good as new... still old though
I have a 42" 42XV556D Toshiba Regza TV at home. While it started showing its age a few years ago, I rather keep using it a while longer instead of contributing to the local landfill. However, the power button just stopped working recently. Turned out fixing it is rather easy though, and a no-brainer considering the warranty expired a long time ago. Read on for a quick how-to.
A word of warning
Be careful after removing the back cover of the TV as there is a risk of electric shock. Before starting, remove the power cord and preferably let the TV sit without power for a day. Also, I cannot be held accountable for damages cased by following this guide and yadda yadda.

The TV. It stays black.

The rather worn power button. It now has a mushy feeling to it and when pressed, the TV still stays off.

Look for these. A screw is hiding in each, removing all allows you to remove the back cover.

The back, along with any possible warranty, successfully removed. The button is located at the far end. Note that the vintage Cherry keyboard in the background is not required to complete the repair.

The button does not push directly on a switch, but on a flat plastic piece, which in turn pushes on the switch. Almost as if the button was installed at the wrong height. Since the button pushes not in the center, but close to the edge, it puts stress on the plastic piece which might break over time.

This is obviously the problem.

By using glue and a cable tie, we are back in business.

Seems to be working. Time to put the back cover on.

It works!
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