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The keyboard uses Razer's own font, but not for all keys. Note that the $ character has the typical Razer blocky font, while the £ and € do not.

A year with the Razer Blackwidow Ultimate Stealth 2016 Edition

Mechanical yearly

Mechanical keyboards have been all the rage for quite some time now (since the 70s?). One year ago, wanting to jump on the bandwagon, I treated myself to one. This although my regular $12 keyboard was working just fine, that a mechanical keyboard is rather expensive, and that I wasn't even very fond of the tactile feel - or noise - of a mechanical keyboard. But as a programmer, I do type a lot, and good tools would hopefully help me in my line of work. How it went? Read on for more. (Spoiler: it turned out well!)

Your data is safe with me.

SSL Enabled

Even more safe for work

In the unlikely case anyone ever felt that the only thing lacking on this site was privacy, I just enabled SSL. Your browser should now indicate this site is secure. So have fun and enjoy the secure world of HTTPS!

Some of the new icons, these from the icon set Afiado.

Icon Maker - Now with even more icons

Because more is moar

While I'm mostly using fonts for icons these days, traditional PNG icons, which the Shiny Icon Maker produces, still have their uses. And to further increase the usefulness of the icon maker, I just added a quite a few new icons from different icon sets. You may now also filter the icons by name and icon set. Try it out!

Review: Razer DeathAdder Left-Hand Edition

Save the southpaws

I have been considering getting another mouse to use with my left hand to relieve the right hand from some stress. And yes, that means I am not a left hander myself. I hope I am still allowed to write this review! While symmetrical mice are all around, finding a pure left handed design is easier said than done. Read on for my thoughts on the Razer DeathAdder - Left Hand Edition.

Shot of the curcuit board inside the TV to make this guide seem more complicated than it is.

Repairing the Toshiba Regza 42XV556D Power Button

As good as new... still old though

I have a 42" 42XV556D Toshiba Regza TV at home. While it started showing its age a few years ago, I rather keep using it a while longer instead of contributing to the local landfill. However, the power button just stopped working recently. Turned out fixing it is rather easy though, and a no-brainer considering the warranty expired a long time ago. Read on for a quick how-to.

Unity3D: Replace Sprite Programmatically in Animation

Luigi says: Don't repeat yourself

Just starting out creating a 2D game using Unity3D, I came across a simple problem: There seems to be no easy way to swap out the sprite in an animation (think: Luigi using the same animations as Mario). It may seem simple to just create a new animation, but with many different characters (sprites) using the same animation it gets old fast. Read on for a short explanation and some code.

The Maclaren Techno XLR.

Fixing Broken Breaks on Maclaren Techno XLR Buggy

Yes, we have entered baby territory

For reasons that may be related to my absence from this blog lately, I found myself in a situation with a used baby stroller in need of repairs. The problem was that the breaks would not click into place. After looking into it, it turned out that it could be easily fixed with some spare parts bought online, plus some basic tools and, of course, my not-so-valuable spare time. Read on for a step for step guide.

The Samsung hard drive that eventually turned out to work just fine.

External USB3 Hard Drive not Recognized by Windows

Back to basics

Super-simple fix here. I hooked up an external USB3 hard drive to my box, but although it was powered up, it did not show up in Windows. Missing drivers? Broken drive? Perhaps my Google-Fu was weak that day but I promised myself I would write a blog post once I had solved it. And it was extremely trivial: Turns out the USB3 controller was disabled in the mainboard (ASUS P8P67) BIOS. After enabling it, everything worked like a charm! And yes, it's weird how these low-level settings somehow manage to stay relevant even to this day. ;)

Pieces that fell into place.

New Design!

Construction complete

It was time again for an overhaul. The new design uses fonts with higher legibility, and the layout should make navigation more easier. The responsivity has been improved and I hope the site looks as good on your device as it does on mine. ;)

Chrome cannot download files from

From the Mixed Security dept.

Had this strange problem the other day. I was trying to download Windows Management Framework from, but no download would start, no matter how many times I tried or how long I waited. But I finally found a way to make it work:

  1. Bring up the developer tools (F12)
  2. Click the console tab
  3. Note the blocked HTTP-request(s). Clicking on each will start the download.

Turns out the page is served over HTTPS, but the download over HTTP for whatever reason. Trying to change HTTPS to HTTP only led to a redirect back to HTTPS in this case so it seems liberate but not quite thought through.

Now, have fun downloading frameworks and tools for your windows PC!

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Erik Moberg  2025